Mingus and Friends

Mingus looooooves to socialize! Dog parks, road trips, family houses...you name it!
He's the life of the party no matter where he goes...

All captions are left to right...

Ming and Ringo, Ming with the men of the fam...

Ming and Beau, Ming and Mirabelle

Ming and Ashanti are so into the Hannah Montana plot!

Ming and his homie Beau, Ming and Rocky

Ming loves the bass! And his g-mom!


Unknown said...

I'm glad to be the first to post a comment.
I love the blog,the pictures,the comments.Can't wait to see my grand dog again and spoil him
Be glad to see him at Thanksgiving.
Does he eat Bouillibase???


sincerelyniah said...

you know i already love the pic of ming and ashanti but the funny thing is, she shows ginger those same pics allllll the time telling ginger who mingus is. she can't wait until they meet. she said mingus and ginger are cousins. lol! too cute!