Posts from here on...

It's been a while since I've updated this blog, but needless to say Mingus has and is becoming the best family member we could have hoped for. At one year's old, he's intelligent, funny, eccentric and loyal. Kris and he are road dogs while with me he's protective and extremely affectionate.

He's mastered all kinds of tricks and I swear....SWEAR....that he understands us more than we know. The three of us have all truly grown to compliment each other.

I'm not sure who all will ever read this, so I'll save the tips and advice for actual comments and continue to post pictures as updates. Please enjoy! Mingus out(what my family now says instead of Peace!

1 comment:

sincerelyniah said...

so now that i have a pup of my own, i am regulary on your page getting tips on training. once again, big ups for the crate! ginger actually doesn't mind it. i followed your tips on the special treat for the crate so everytime ginger see's me go for that particular treat, she runs inside her crate! LOL! as a matter of fact, its the chicken carver treat. it's her ultimate favorite! oh, we have a bag full of pizza treats for mingus. ginger doesn't like them. :o(
anyway, keep up with the tips because it's like the cliff notes to a book. straigt to the point. mingus out though?!?!? hahaha!!! loves it!